Monthly Archives: May 2012

Learning standards

I will be teaching  language arts for all elemantry grade level. For this semester on second grade students.

Virginia State Standards:

Oral language: The student will:

  • Listen and respond to books, audiotapes and age-appropriate materials;
  • Tell and retell stories in logical order;
  • Participate in a variety of oral language activities, including choral speaking;
  • Increase descriptive language;
  • Begin to ask for clarification and explanation of words and ideas;
  • Use appropriate voice level in small group settings;
  • Ask and respond to questions in small group settings;
  • Orally identify and manipulate phonemes in syllables and multi-syllabic words.

Reading: The student will:

  • Apply knowledge of how print is read and organized;
  • Make predictions;
  • Identify characters, settings and important events;
  • Retell stories and events;
  • Identify the main idea;
  • Use a picture dictionary to find meanings of unfamiliar words.

Writing: The student will:

  • Write to communicate ideas
  • Focus on one topic
  • Use descriptive words
  • Use complete sentences in final copies
 To include technology I would use video and audio clips  that would help for better understanding of the story . I would also use a PowerPoint presentation of the story .

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Giving Reluctant Students a Voice

Giving Reluctant Students a Voice article was very helpful and useful. I liked how the authors wanted to increase group 3 and 4’s participation through online blogging. Those reluctant student became engaging students when their participation did not involve face to face communication. I think this strategy is excellent especially in an ESL classroom where some students are shy or embarrassed to make mistakes in a foreign language. Blogging is a great way to engage technology in lesson plan where some students in this day and age prefer using computers . I believe this online discussion gives reluctant students a voice and allows them to feel safe.

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Larry Ferlazzo websites of the day

While reading through the blogs to pick one for this assignment, The Larry Ferlazzo websites of the day grabbed my attention the most. This blog is designed for ESL, EFL and Ell and the author is an experienced ESL teacher .Since I’m planning on being an ESL teacher, I found this blog to be very helpful on providing me with great ideas and tools on how to use technology effectively in an ESL classroom. I also liked how he offered a lot of tips for teachers like some books and websites that will help them out. I enjoyed hoe he incorporated the games and activities into the classroom so it would be an fun enjoyable learning experience.

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